Using The Cloud To Focus On Your Business

Using The Cloud To Focus On Your Business This blog post was inspired a pal of mine. He’s one of these guys who has a new idea every time you speak to him, and he’s always learning new skills and tricks. He works in high tech too, and has recently started his own company to […]
Documentation Is Not Sexy, But It Is Necessary

Documentation Is Not Sexy, But It Is Necessary Cloud technologies are awesome; it’s the reason Beaty Consultancy exists. We get to work with world-class developers and forward thinking businesses every day, and it’s so much fun. All too often, developers and technicians get caught up in the excitement of building innovative new platforms using cloud […]
MITM – And Why Your Servers Need Protection

MITM – And Why Your Servers Need Protection Man In The Middle, or M-I-T-M attacks are nothing new, but they can still be the cause of huge data breaches. So this week, we’re continuing our investigation into popular hacking techniques by lifting the covers on MITM attacks. MITM – And Why Your Servers Need Protection. […]
SQL Injection And Why Your Servers Need Protection

SQL Injection And Why Your Servers Need Protection We’re continuing our series on specific security concerns and how we protect against them. This week, we’re talking about SQL Injection And Why Your Servers Need Protection. Websites And Databases The vast majority of websites and applications use some kind of back-end database these days. We use […]
How Secure Is Secure-Enough?

How Secure Is Secure-Enough? I’m a security nut. I mean, I write a security-focused technology blog for goodness sake, I’m hardly revealing national secrets here. But hold on, I’m writing this on a WordPress blog. You only need to check out the CVE register to see an unnervingly large list of WordPress vulnerabilities. If I […]
Information In The Information Age

This morning, I was thinking about what to talk about in this week’s blog post as I walked the dog. I wondered what sources I might consult to come up with the meat and potatoes behind the ideas I come up with at various points during the week. I can be anywhere when an idea […]
What Is Change Management

What Is Change Management Documentation is boring. But then so is eating your vegetables, and apparently now we’re adults, we shouldn’t need our broccoli hidden from us… unless you’re the leader of the free world. Anywhoo, let’s talk about what change management is, and why you should definitely have a change management process in your […]
Let’s Learn Stuff While We’re Locked In

Let’s Learn Stuff While We’re Locked In We’re all staying at home, protecting the NHS and saving lives. It’s super important, but it’s tough isn’t it. Some of us have lots of time to fill, and while there is ample entertainment to be found on various streaming services, sometimes it’s fun to learn new skills. […]
Zoom-bombing and the Park Bench

Zoom-bombing and the Park Bench Zoom is the new darling of the Internet, and with good reason. It allows really simple video conferencing, in a much more simple way than their competitors seem to have managed. But what is this Zoom-bombing which has been circulating the tech press recently? And what has a park bench […]
Don’t Give Your Cloud Servers Names

Don’t Give Your Cloud Servers Names My dog is brilliant. He’s a ginger and white collie cross mongrel rescue thing, and he’s such a good boy. Every morning, he hears the alarm and before I have chance to snooze it, and he comes to get me up. From the moment I wake up and have […]