What it means to be an AWS certified DevOps Engineer

What it means to be an AWS certified DevOps Engineer DevOps is a buzzword that is thrown around far too much these days. Few people actually know what it is, and all these mad terms and phrases can seem so off-putting. Today we’re going to talk about what it means to be an AWS certified […]
Apple Macs in AWS – CI/CD or bust

Apple Macs in AWS – CI/CD or bust Apple Macs in a cloud environment are nothing new. MacStadium have been doing it for years now, and they have offerings as cheap as $59 per month. So why is it such big news when AWS announce that you can now run a Mac Mini in the […]
Avoiding Cloud Vendor Lock-In

Avoiding Cloud Vendor Lock-In At Beaty Consultancy, we speak to new clients all the time, which is awesome! People build really amazing platforms using public cloud technologies, and we advise on the best way to do it. One of the most frequent themes is around not being locked to one particular cloud provider. So today […]
AWS Certified Cloud Solutions Architect

AWS Certified Cloud Solutions Architect I write a lot of blog posts about a lot of different cloud subjects – but why should you listen to me? I don’t make a big deal of it, but I’m an AWS certified Cloud Solutions Architect. Yeah, I know, I exams and everything! Where Did AWS Come From? […]
Stop Your Cloud Environment Breaking Down

Stop Your Cloud Environment Breaking Down Is it possible to Stop Your Cloud Environment Breaking Down? Yes, of course it is. For that, you’re going to need your developers to write every line of code by hand, themselves. No shared libraries, and no dependencies on other systems. Your cloud is going to have to […]
Layered Security In The Cloud

Layered Security In The Cloud Security isn’t just one thing, it’s lots of little things. It’s software, and standards and processes within your business. That’s why it’s so hard to just go out to the market and get a company to fix your security. Cloud security can look vastly different from business to business. But […]
Encryption Will Save Us All, Won’t It?

Encryption Will Save Us All, Won’t It? Everyone talk about encryption these days – whether they understand what it is or not. For more information about what encryption is and is not, check out our other Security posts. But is encryption the last word in security? And if so, why don’t we all just switch […]
How DNS Poisoning Attacks Work

How DNS Poisoning Attacks Work We love to explore the common security threats which are being leveraged against every cloud platform every day. These threats are never going away, so the best thing to do is understand and guard against them. Let’s find out How DNS Poisoning Attacks Work. What Is DNS DNS stands for […]
Typosquatting – Who Are You Talking To?

Typosquatting – Who Are You Talking To? Typosquatting is where someone else owns a web address, or domain, that looks just like yours. If your customers received an email from your web company, including all of your logos and details, would they notice if it were slightly misspelled? Typosquatting – Who Are You Talking To? […]
What Is Serverless?

What is Serverless? We have been writing blog posts about cloud technology for a long time now. Each week, we take a subject, and try to explain it to ordinary people. But one thing we haven’t covered in any depth is serverless technology. But what is serverless? What is Serverless Serverless doesn’t mean that there […]