
How The Cloud Works

Beaty Consultancy - Understanding the Cloud

How The Cloud Works This blog post comes from my little brain-box as I was writing another post about Disaster Recovery.  I was exploring the idea of having cloud resources in different places, but quickly realised that isn’t an obvious or easy concept.  So today we’re going to talk a little bit more about how […]

Open Source Software

Beaty Consultancy - Open Source Software

Open Source Software Today, we’re investigating another buzzy buzword you might hear bandied around by techy-types.  What is Open Source Software?  Let’s have a look and find out; The Source of Open Source Yes, okay, we’re doing this a little bit backwards tackling the second word first.  But honestly, stick with us, because when you […]

Securing Access to your Cloud Resources

Beaty Consultancy - Securing Access To Your Cloud Resources

Securing Access to your Cloud Resources We all know about the amazing things we can build in cloud environments – I bang on about it often enough!  But what’s the best way to administrate your environment once it exists?  What is safe to leave open to the Internet and what should be shrouded in a […]

Cloud Monitoring with AWS CloudWatch

Beaty Consultancy - AWS CloudWatch

Cloud Monitoring with AWS CloudWatch This week, we’re looking at one of my favourite products within Amazon Web Services, and that is CloudWatch!  As usual we’re just going to cover the basics here, but if you need more help and advice on defining and deploying a cloud monitoring solution, just get in touch! What is […]

Microservices – The Production Line of Cloud

Microservices - The Production Line of Cloud

Microservices – The Production Line of Cloud Today, we’re talking about Microservices – The Production Line of the Cloud!  We talked about Containers a little while ago, and the feedback was awesome.  People love how we take topics on the cutting edge of technology, and break them up into pieces.  But one piece we could […]

What is a VPN?

Beaty Consultancy - What is a VPN?

What is a VPN? Virtual Private Networks, or VPNs are all the rage at the moment.  Every other video I watch on YouTube includes an advertisment for one Scandinavian VPN solution or another.  But what is a VPN, and why might you want one? Virtual Private Network – VPN Virtual The V is for Virtual.  […]

Cloud Consultancy in Cumbria

Beaty Consultancy - Cloud Consultancy in Cumbria

Cloud Consultancy in Cumbria Beaty Consultancy is a proudly Cumbrian brand, based in the great border city of Carlisle.  Carlisle changes hands between the English and Scottish a couple of times through the centuries, but is now a bustling and diverse metropolitan centre for Cumbria.  But why launch a cloud consultancy in Cumbria?  Why launch […]

Containers Don’t Need to be Scary

Beaty Consultancy - Containers Don't Need To Be Scary

Containers Don’t Need to be Scary We throw around all the buzzwords here at Beaty Consultancy, but we like to give you explinations on what it all means.too.  One of the hottest technology buzzwords right now is containerisation!  Containerisation is the practice of putting your workloads into containers.  Great, but what does that all mean?  […]

Solving Problems Using The Cloud

Beaty Consultancy - Solving problems using the cloud

Solving Problems Using The Cloud When people talk about cloud technologies, they talk about the problems they’re sovling using Cloud.  But what kinds of problems can we solve using cloud technologies?  Why try to solve those problems in the Cloud as opposed to on premesis?  What’s in it for you?  In this post, we’re going […]

Managing your cloud account logins

screenshot of cloud account registered devices

Managing your cloud account logins We’ve spoken about what cloud is before, so you already know that you’re using cloud technologies everywhere.  But when was that last time you checked where you’re signed in to all of those cloud accounts from?  When you traded your old mobile, tablet or laptop in, are you sure you […]

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