Layered Security In The Cloud

Layered Security In The Cloud Security isn’t just one thing, it’s lots of little things. It’s software, and standards and processes within your business. That’s why it’s so hard to just go out to the market and get a company to fix your security. Cloud security can look vastly different from business to business. But […]
What Is A Brute Force Attack?

What Is A Brute Force Attack? I bet you wish you could stop reading about all the different ways our cloud platforms can be compromised and breached by the bad-guys. But no, there are loads of attacks we should be aware of in order to keep our businesses safe and secure. So what is a […]
How DNS Poisoning Attacks Work

How DNS Poisoning Attacks Work We love to explore the common security threats which are being leveraged against every cloud platform every day. These threats are never going away, so the best thing to do is understand and guard against them. Let’s find out How DNS Poisoning Attacks Work. What Is DNS DNS stands for […]
Typosquatting – Who Are You Talking To?

Typosquatting – Who Are You Talking To? Typosquatting is where someone else owns a web address, or domain, that looks just like yours. If your customers received an email from your web company, including all of your logos and details, would they notice if it were slightly misspelled? Typosquatting – Who Are You Talking To? […]
MITM – And Why Your Servers Need Protection

MITM – And Why Your Servers Need Protection Man In The Middle, or M-I-T-M attacks are nothing new, but they can still be the cause of huge data breaches. So this week, we’re continuing our investigation into popular hacking techniques by lifting the covers on MITM attacks. MITM – And Why Your Servers Need Protection. […]
SQL Injection And Why Your Servers Need Protection

SQL Injection And Why Your Servers Need Protection We’re continuing our series on specific security concerns and how we protect against them. This week, we’re talking about SQL Injection And Why Your Servers Need Protection. Websites And Databases The vast majority of websites and applications use some kind of back-end database these days. We use […]
What Is DDoS And Why Your Servers Need Protection

What Is DDoS And Why Your Servers Need Protection I blog about security and hacking all the time. Information security is super interesting to me, but also, I need to be on top of the latest cyber security news and happenings so I can help protect our clients. But it’s just as important for everyone […]
How Secure Is Secure-Enough?

How Secure Is Secure-Enough? I’m a security nut. I mean, I write a security-focused technology blog for goodness sake, I’m hardly revealing national secrets here. But hold on, I’m writing this on a WordPress blog. You only need to check out the CVE register to see an unnervingly large list of WordPress vulnerabilities. If I […]
What Is Phishing And How To Protect From It

What Is Phishing And How To Protect From It We like to cover security basics here at Beaty Consultancy, and Phishing was certainly on our list to cover. But after Dominic Raab’s (UK Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs) speech around cyber security yesterday (05/05/2020), we wanted to get the information out now. There’s no […]
Operational Security From Home

Operational Security From Home There are some scary sounding buzzy buzzwords going on here aren’t there? Well this week, we’re demystifying Operational Security, and exploring how we can all have excellent Operational Security From Home. We look at why it is important, and give you simple tips and tricks to sprinkle security best practices into […]