Cloud security consultancy

AWS Cloud Solutions
A Sneak Peek into Remote Working
Using the Cloud AWS

Long gone are those days when technology was limited and workplaces were confined to offices. The scenario has changed now. High-end technology like AWS Cloud has made it convenient for businesses to develop a remote working environment with optimum productivity.

Ready to Start Leveraging Cloud Services? Here’s How to Start

No rocket science! AWS makes it super easy for you to kick-start your remote working experience right away.

You Get Virtual Desktop Environment

Laptop failure or system breakdown is a real struggle. All of your progress can reduce to zero if anything happens to the system.

Luckily, that’s not the case with AWS services. We use AWS WorkSpaces to work from any computer in any place, and even pick up where we left off from another computer. It’s that amazing. You get a complete virtual desktop environment from AWS Workspaces, thus making it hassle-free to work remotely.

Bulk Storage with Maximum Scalability

To make storage easier for you to manage, AWS services offer Amazon S3. You can easily store your data in the form of objects and retrieve these objects without any hassle.

What’s the benefit? Well, there are loads of them. Your data can remain encrypted. Data is remotely accessible all across the globe. You can save an endless amount of data in objects. The list goes on. You no longer need to worry about storage issues if you are working remotely via AWS Cloud Services.

Convenient Collaboration Tool

Amazon comes up with its own video conferencing tool named AWS Chime. Getting in touch with your colleagues and holding an instant meeting is no more an issue with Chime. You get top-notch user experience and secure communication with this software.

Specialist Tools for Source Control

AWS support also brings some of the finest and state-of-the-art source control tools that facilitate your business in development control. If you are running a software company and development is your key service, then AWS CodeStar tools can be quite handy as high-end source control and continuous delivery service.

Collaborate with Us for Cloud Consultancy Services

You have already been provided with the information about basic resources provided by AWS support plans for optimum productivity. But there are still loads of things to be explored about AWS services. Feel free to acquire the cloud security consultancy services of Beaty Consultancy to leverage the expertise of seasoned professionals for your remote working environment.

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