How Hacking Works

How Hacking Works I’m writing this post during the UK Corona virus lockdown in May 2020. All around the world, scientists and researchers are studying the COVID-19 virus to find out exactly how it works. And this is just the latest in a rich history of those in the medical profession studying disease to discover […]
This Is Why We Can’t Have Nice Things

This Is Why We Can’t Have Nice Things Security experts within an organisation, or even as contractors or advisors, are often though of as the team who say no. We squeeze the fun out of everything, don’t we. Times are changing quickly though. New working practices like DevSecOps make security everyone’s responsibility, but why do […]
Security Isn’t Sexy

Security Isn’t Sexy Here at Beaty Consultancy, we love talking about new technology, and helping you to understand it too. If you’re Into technology as much as we are, you probably think a lot of this stuff is pretty cool. We do, and we’re cool. I know that because my Mum told me.But security isn’t […]
The White Apple Company

The White Apple Company The White Apple Company offer a range of online English language learning tools to help bring students and world-class language teachers together, and provide online classrooms. Beaty Consultancy helped to rationalise their AWS estate, and was able to cut their monthly spend by more than 50%, while improving service delivery at […]