Avoiding Cloud Vendor Lock-In

Avoiding Cloud Vendor Lock-In At Beaty Consultancy, we speak to new clients all the time, which is awesome! People build really amazing platforms using public cloud technologies, and we advise on the best way to do it. One of the most frequent themes is around not being locked to one particular cloud provider. So today […]
Layered Security In The Cloud

Layered Security In The Cloud Security isn’t just one thing, it’s lots of little things. It’s software, and standards and processes within your business. That’s why it’s so hard to just go out to the market and get a company to fix your security. Cloud security can look vastly different from business to business. But […]
Encryption Will Save Us All, Won’t It?

Encryption Will Save Us All, Won’t It? Everyone talk about encryption these days – whether they understand what it is or not. For more information about what encryption is and is not, check out our other Security posts. But is encryption the last word in security? And if so, why don’t we all just switch […]
What Is A Brute Force Attack?

What Is A Brute Force Attack? I bet you wish you could stop reading about all the different ways our cloud platforms can be compromised and breached by the bad-guys. But no, there are loads of attacks we should be aware of in order to keep our businesses safe and secure. So what is a […]
How Secure Is Secure-Enough?

How Secure Is Secure-Enough? I’m a security nut. I mean, I write a security-focused technology blog for goodness sake, I’m hardly revealing national secrets here. But hold on, I’m writing this on a WordPress blog. You only need to check out the CVE register to see an unnervingly large list of WordPress vulnerabilities. If I […]
Security Isn’t Sexy

Security Isn’t Sexy Here at Beaty Consultancy, we love talking about new technology, and helping you to understand it too. If you’re Into technology as much as we are, you probably think a lot of this stuff is pretty cool. We do, and we’re cool. I know that because my Mum told me.But security isn’t […]
Securing Access to your Cloud Resources

Securing Access to your Cloud Resources We all know about the amazing things we can build in cloud environments – I bang on about it often enough! But what’s the best way to administrate your environment once it exists? What is safe to leave open to the Internet and what should be shrouded in a […]
The White Apple Company

The White Apple Company The White Apple Company offer a range of online English language learning tools to help bring students and world-class language teachers together, and provide online classrooms. Beaty Consultancy helped to rationalise their AWS estate, and was able to cut their monthly spend by more than 50%, while improving service delivery at […]