What it means to be an AWS certified DevOps Engineer

What it means to be an AWS certified DevOps Engineer DevOps is a buzzword that is thrown around far too much these days. Few people actually know what it is, and all these mad terms and phrases can seem so off-putting. Today we’re going to talk about what it means to be an AWS certified […]
Apple Macs in AWS – CI/CD or bust

Apple Macs in AWS – CI/CD or bust Apple Macs in a cloud environment are nothing new. MacStadium have been doing it for years now, and they have offerings as cheap as $59 per month. So why is it such big news when AWS announce that you can now run a Mac Mini in the […]
Logfiles And Logging In Your Cloud

Logfiles And Logging In Your Cloud. Servers and cloud services are chatty little critters. They like to keep a note of everything they do, and those notes are known as log files. They’re usually written whether you like it or not, but if you take an interest in them, you might learn a lot about […]
What Is Infrastructure as Code

What Is Infrastructure as Code We spoke about disposable infrastructure last week, and about how we shouldn’t name our servers anymore. The natural extension to that thought is Infrastructure as Code, which gives our cloud platform consistency, an audit trail, and a version history. How how does it work? How do you create it? Let’s […]
Don’t Give Your Cloud Servers Names

Don’t Give Your Cloud Servers Names My dog is brilliant. He’s a ginger and white collie cross mongrel rescue thing, and he’s such a good boy. Every morning, he hears the alarm and before I have chance to snooze it, and he comes to get me up. From the moment I wake up and have […]
Save Money By Using AWS Reserved Instances

Save Money By Using AWS Reserved Instances Part of the AWS Well Architected Framework is a pillar called Cost Optimisation. It’s a pretty simple concept – let’s make sure you get your money’s worth from your cloud spend. But how do we achieve cost optimisation? Well, like most things in technology, there are a few […]
Security Isn’t Sexy

Security Isn’t Sexy Here at Beaty Consultancy, we love talking about new technology, and helping you to understand it too. If you’re Into technology as much as we are, you probably think a lot of this stuff is pretty cool. We do, and we’re cool. I know that because my Mum told me.But security isn’t […]
What is cloud? …asking for a friend

What is cloud? …asking for a friend I have happily been running cloud consultancy business for the past couple of years now, and my clients are proving that there is a space in the market for a trusted advisor to help with getting cloud right. But what is this cloud everyone goes on about? How […]